Shoot for a Cure has been working since 2000 with one goal in mind – a cure for spinal cord injury. Our new vision incorporates both spinal cord injury and brain injury research, prevention, and awareness. SFAC has raised over $3 million in the 15 years since its inception for research, treatment and prevention campaigns. We have a goal of $10 million more within the next 5 years. Our revenue is raised primarily by fundraising events, whether they be large,┬ácorporate events like hockey or golf tournaments, or small, community-based events like the Alpha Sigma Chi sorority bake sales.
Our new Easel fundraising program allows business owners to give space, not funds, yet be the connection between Shoot For A Cure and the donors in their community. Any of our supporters in local communities can help us to find new locations and raise needed funds for SFAC.