ONF presents Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation Guidelines

30 Nov

ONF presents Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation Guidelines

The Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation (ONF), in partnership with INESSS is proud to present a clinical practice guideline for the rehabilitation of adults with moderate to severe Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI).

This will be a one-stop-shop to the (TBI) rehabilitation guidelines.

The topics available include:

  • 266 recommendations for clinical┬ápractice and organizing services
  • Cross-cutting, across all rehabilitative care from acute to community
  • Covers all major impairments following TBI
  • Interactive, searchable, comprehensive, bilingual, Canadian
  • Provides the latest evidence-based practices for:
    • front-line clinicians, program managers and coordinators offering service┬áto adults with moderate to severe TBI
    • program planners and policy makers
    • anyone else interested in rehabilitation best practice, including people living with TBI and their families/caregivers

For more information, visit their website.




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